I use it everyday and helps me to email PDF of work that I am doing or from my home page. It is very practical. I have 5 different printers at work and it works with all.
I use it everyday and helps me to email PDF of work that I am doing or from my home page. It is very practical. I have 5 different printers at work and it works with all.
Love this App. It saved me lots of money by not having to buy a new printer. This App. Is worth every penny.
Especially good for printing
Have used this app several times and it prints each and every time with minimal fuss!
So far very happy. Works great every time!
Nice app
This is a fantastic app. I highly recommend it. The tech support is prompt and courteous. The price at $6.99 is a real bargain.
Works perfectly at my place and also in my office via Wifi networks!!
This app does exactly what it says it will do in its description in iTunes and does it quickly, easily and efficiently.
Great app, does everything I need, and more!! Thanks!
This is one of very few apps Ive used consistently since my first iPhone
Great App. have no problems
コンセプトとしてはすばらしいですし、接続も簡単にできます。 しかし、問題は、プリントできない場合も多いことで、バージョンアップのたびに改善はされているものの、完璧ではありません。 以下、Mac OS X 10.6.2、iPhone 3GS、iPhone OS 3.1.2(7SD11)、WebPrint Server 2.240の環境下での結果です。 なお、母艦はMacBook Pro 13inch (4GB/500GB)、プリンタはHP Photosmart C6280を使いました。 【ドキュメント】 ・MS Word(.doc):文字化けなく印刷可能 ・MS Excel(.xls):印刷不可能 ・PDF:文字化けなく印刷可能 【メール】 文字化けなく印刷可能。HTMLメールもレイアウト崩れず。 【ウエブページ】 文字化けなく印刷可能 【連絡先】 完全に文字化け。言語を日本語に切り換えてもダメ 【写真・カメラ】 プリンタは動作するものの、白紙で印刷されず。 環境によって異なるのかもしれませんが、現時点では使用例を選ばないと実用は難しいかもしれません。 今後のバージョンアップに期待、というところです。
Fantastic and timely technical support. Fixed a print issue with two client app updates in a very quick time. Would recommend this software to anyone who does not require direct printing over a home network from their iPhone. Also recommend PrintCentral if PrintnShare isnt enough.
全然使えず、大変残念。google playと違い払い戻しが出来ないのですね。
Terrible, a complete waste of money. Additional installation of a printserver named Weprint is a mess and useless ,time consuming trash. Berbat, para ziyanı. Weprint adında ilave bir yazım sunucusunun da pc/mac e kurulumunu da istiyor ki bu da bir rezalet, çöp.
great app that meets all my mobile printing needs
In opositon to standard AirPrint feature of iOS6 !!!!
Its good app, but too complicated.
I had an iPad, a HP1320 laserjet not ArPrint compatible and I had a problem too. Now I have Print-n-share and I have only an ipad and an HP 1320 ! Any printing problem is desappared!!! Thanks a lot to this Team for their effective teamwork. Complimenti agli sviluppatori!!!! LApp funziona davvero bene. In modo semplice ti permette di usare la tua stampante anche se non é "airPrint"!!!!! thanks